Standard Gastroenterological Procedures

Our Practice accepts patients from other physician referrals ONLY.

Capsule endoscopy (Pill Cam)

Capsule Endoscopy is used to examine the small intestine which is the middle section of the GI tract. It involves swallowing a multivitamin size pill with a camera in it. As the pill passes through the GI tract it takes pictures which are recorded on a device that the patient is wearing Capsule endoscopy is done because the small intestines are not typically viewed endoscopically. Capsule endoscopy can be used to search for bleeding, polyps, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s Disease), ulcers, and tumors in the small bowel.


Endoscopy is used to examine the lining of the upper gastrointestinal tract including the esophagus, stomach, and first part of the small intestine called the duodenum. It is used to assess upper abdominal pain, anemia, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, and difficulty swallowing. Esophageal stretching can be done during an endoscopy for difficulty swallowing. Endoscopy can also be used for getting tissue samples or biopsy for Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers.

Colonoscopy/Cancer Screening

Colonoscopy is a common and safe procedure that examines the lining of the lower intestinal tract called the large intestine or colon. Colonoscopy allows the physician to find precancerous growths and remove them before they turn into cancer, thus preventing colon cancer. Colonoscopies are done to look for cancer/polyps, diverticular disease (small pockets in the colon), colitis (inflammation of the Colon), and to assess unexplained diarrhea, bleeding, anemia, and abnormal imaging studies like CT scans and Barium scans.

HALO Ablation Therapy (for Barrett's Esophagus)

Brought into Anmed Health systems by Dr. MP Veerabagu MD, AGAF, Barrett‘s Esophagus is a precancerous condition of the lining of the esophagus caused by chronic gastro esophageal reflux. If left untreated, it can transform into esophageal cancer, HALO ablation is done as endoscopy and neat energy is delivered in a precise and highly controlled manner to the Barrett’s esophagus. The HALO Ablation can completely remove the diseased tissue without damaging the normal underlying structures. Normal lining regenerates where the Barrett’s esophagus is treated, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.

Hemorrhoid Banding

Hemorrhoid Banding also called hemorrhoid ligation is a simple procedure that is performed in our office. It takes just few minutes and it is painless. Since it is painless and does not include any sedation one can go back to work the same day. This in-office procedure entails a gentle suction device to pull in the afflicted tissue and then place a small rubber band around the base or the internal hemorrhoid such that it does not contact pain-sensitive nerve endings. This treatment is used for treatment of internal hemorrhoids.

Liver Diseases

We treat a wide variety or liver diseases including, but not limited to, fatty liver, NASH (Nonalcoholic Steam Hepatitis), Autoimmune Hepatitis, Viral Hepatitis including Hepatitis B and C, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, and Liver Cirrhosis.

Esophageal Manometry

Esophageal Manometry is a test to measure how effective the esophagus is working. The esophagus is the long muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach. Esophageal manometry measures the pressures and pattern of muscle contractions in the esophagus during swallowing. Esophageal manometry is used to diagnose conditions that can cause lower esophageal pain, heartburn, and difficulty swallowing.

PEG Tube placement

PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) is a procedure in which a flexible tube is placed through the abdominal wall and into the stomach. PEG tube allows for nutrition, fluids, and medications to be put directly into the stomach, bypassing the mouth and esophagus. Patients with difficulty swallowing, poor appetite or inability to take adequate nutrition through the mouth can benefit from this procedure.

Smart Pill Monitoring System

Smart Pill Monitoring System is a standardized motility test utilizing sensor technology in an ingestible capsule to measure the transit times of the stomach, small bowel and large bowel essentially the whole gut transit time. This is a huge improvement from the old tests that are needed to get the same information. Smart pill study replaces several studies namely nuclear scan for gastric emptying, colon transit time using several radio opaque markers and small bowel follow through. It helps in patients with Gastroparesis and constipation. This in office test is completed without radiology and allows the patient to go about their normal daily activities.

Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF)

Dr. Veerabagu is the first Gastroenterologist in Anderson to offer the TIF Procedure. TIF is a less invasive restoration of the anti-reflux barrier that does not require internal incisions or dissection. Most patients are able to return home the next day and can return to work and most normal activities within a few days. During the procedure, with the patient under general anesthesia, a device equipped with a small camera in inserted through the patient’s mouth and into the stomach. The device is used to make and fasten several folds of tissue and create a new anti-reflux valve at the connection of the stomach and esophagus. Most TIF patients are able to return to eating foods that they could not previously tolerate and are able to stop taking medication.

Pancreatic Pseudo Cyst Drainage

Brought by Dr. MP Veerabagu MD, AGAF into Anmed Health Systems, Pancreatic pseudo cyst is an organized collection of fluid formed around the pancreas as a complication or pancreatitis. We treat pancreatic pseudo cyst by endoscopic procedure which is non-surgical and minimally invasive in nature. It can also be performed even as an outpatient procedure.

Hospital services

The medical providers have full privileges at the local hospital and are part or gastroenterology on call group During on call services they make rounds at the local hospital ie Anmed Health systems.