ORBERA® (Intra gastric balloon)

ORBERA® (Intra gastric balloon)

Nothing is more difficult than losing weight, and the ORBERA® Managed Weight Loss System offers a non-surgical solution. The procedure places a small silicone balloon into the stomach which takes up space so you feel full faster and consume smaller portions of food. Results are seen in as little as four weeks after surgery!

Who is it For?

ORBERA® is the perfect option for those who want to lose weight but have been unsuccessful with diet and exercise.

How The Procedure Works

A gastroenterologist places the deflated balloon in place through your esophagus, all while you’re under mild sedation. The balloon is then inflated with saline until it’s about the size of a grapefruit. This non-surgical and painless outpatient procedure takes about 20 – 30 minutes to complete. After six months, the balloon will be removed in just as easy fashion as it was placed.

How Much Weight Will I Lose?

After the balloon is in you stomach, the pounds come off quickly. In a U.S clinical study, patients lost an average of 21lbs! Other studies have shown success stories with weight loss goals as high as 115 lbs achieved. Patients are able to lose weight and keep it off with a comprehensive diet, exercise, nutrition plan, and behavioral counseling. This gives patients the support they need while preventing them from regaining their lost pounds in the future.

Why Choose Us for ORBERA®?

Endoscopic Mastery

The complicated nature of endoscopic procedures demand a great amount of skill. Dr. Veera is a gastroenterologist with an expertise in weight loss and endoscopies. He travels all over to learn the lastest cutting edge procedures so that he can bring most advanced care to Upsate South Carolina.

Bariatric Prestige

Dr. Veera is a renowned gastroenterologist who performs endoscopic procedures at Anmed Hospital. AnMed Health Weight Loss Surgery was certified in 2016 by the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP), a nationally accredited program that meets the highest standards for patient safety and quality of care. The MBSAQIP standards ensure that weight loss surgery patients receive a multidisciplinary program, not just surgery, which improves long-term success.

Physician Commitment

If you live in South Carolina, or are traveling from another state, we promise to provide the highest level of concierge care with direct access to your physician. We remain committed for your success throughout this weight loss journey because our goal is not just about losing pounds but also regaining health and happiness.

Pricing Plans (Cash Pay Only)


  • Initial Physician Consultation
  • Pre-Surgery Comprehensive Bariatric Nutrition Consultation
  • Pre-Surgery Psychiatry/Psychologist Evaluation
  • ORBERA® Procedures (inclusive of all Anmed facility, anesthesia, and physician fees)
  • Physician Post Procedure Follow Up Visits
  • 24/7 Medical Staff On-Call Access
  • Insurance does not currently provide coverage for non-surgical weight loss procedures


    How Is ORBERA® Different Than Bariatric Surgery?

    ORBERA® is a completely non-invasive, reversible weight loss treatment. The balloon is removed after six months and does not permanently alter your anatomy. It is performed under sedation but not general anesthesia (endotracheal anesthesia).

    Who Is Eligible for ORBERA®?

    ORBERA ® is designed for obese adults whose BMI ranges from 30-40 and they’ve not had much luck in losing any weight through exercise or eating healthy foods on their own.

    Who Is not Eligible for ORBERA®?

    You are not eligible for ORBERA® if you have had prior stomach or bariatric surgery, including hiatal hernia repair, lap band, or gastric bypass, if you use anti-inflammatory medications (such as aspirin or ibuprofen) on a daily basis, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or smoking.

    Does Insurance Cover It?

    No, insurance does not cover the ORBERA® balloon. Currently, it is considered a “cosmetic” procedure, even though weight loss can be expected to reduce your risk of other serious health issues.

    How Long Does the Procedure Take?

    Both the balloon insertion and removal take approximately 20 minutes.

    What does it Feel Like to have the Balloon in my Stomach?

    Many people report feeling like they have eaten a large meal immediately after the procedure. In some cases, nausea and vomiting is reported in the first few days of placement as your stomach gets used to having an inflated balloon inside it. After about two weeks, you will lose awareness of the balloon, including during exercise. The balloon is also not visible from the outside.

    What are the Risks of the Procedure?

    Gastric balloons have been used successfully in the management of obesity for over 20 years. Over this time they have evolved from a simple shape to one that is durable and safe, now with only 1 serious side effect every 10 thousand placements- while other more invasive weight loss procedures carry much higher risks! Potential serious side effects include stomach ulceration, balloon deflation, bowel obstruction, intestinal perforation, and death.

    Non-Surgical Endoscopic Procedure Comparisons





    LSG (Do Not Offer)

    Type of Procedure

    Non Surgical (Endoscopic)

    Non Surgical (Endoscopic)

    Non Surgical (Endoscopic)


    Is Hospitalization Required




    Yes; 1-3 days

    Return to work

    2-3 days

    2-3 days

    2 days

    1-2 weeks

    Average Excess Weight Loss

    50 %

    30-40 %

    50-60 %

    60-70 %

    Average Total Body Weight Loss

    20 %

    15 - 20 %

    25 %


    Major Complications

    Rare <1%

    Rare <1%

    Rare <1%

    2-6 % (0.11% mortality)






    Covered by insurance




    Yes (if eligible)